What is Normal?

So, I was in between two 8pm-8am night shifts, but I’m a firm believer that fashion never sleeps so neither should I!  Although I knew I’d be exhausted, I checked Eventbrite and as an avid supporter of all-things-Baltimore, I just had to purchase tickets to Stomp the Runway for Autism run by Derrick Dixon. logoHis passion was clearly exhibited by his words, dedication, and actions through this event. It extends to his literary work  “Don’t call me different… I just do things differently.”

The event was packed with support from family, friends and various leaders of Baltimore including former Mayor Sheila Dixon. The Downtown Cultural Art Center as the venue was ideal for sure.IMG_4939

There were so many powerful messages expressed.

“Autistic parents deal with what parents of  ‘normal’ kids experience, the fears…uncertainties…but there is always a barrier”

One of the parent’s speech described her struggles with obtaining the proper teaching environment for her child; eliciting the help of politicians including former President Bush.  She eloquently took us through her path of great incertitude, doubt, realization, and triumphs. She discussed the ‘lack of an instructional manual’ that most parents face and how she had to ‘think outside the box.’ She said,

“Never give up, never be afraid to question or challenge.”

I thought, that should be everyone’s mantra.

Now, there was also amazing fashion involved. It started with streetwear/athleticwear from Shoe City. I have not a single picture because I was too busy wiping away tears. The models included autistic kids as well. Don’t you love how fashion breaks down even the toughest of barriers!?! The children had such great character, and I felt lucky to experience it!

I had to miss the latter half of the show because I had to go to work.  I absolutely adored D’kultured kunsepts (especially the black/white plaid).IMG_4954 (1)

I loved Unique Creations use of props as perfect accessories.  

Fly Nerd perfectly combined graphic design and screen printing in their t-shirt line.

Pearlina designs definitely exhibited her fantastic abilities as a seamstress.  Her line exuded confidence and elegance.

Stomp the Runway was not only a fashion show but a production that was the perfect mix of fun, education, fashion and inspiration.


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