Rocknroll Loveaffair with Fashion! – Indie Fashion Week, DC Oct 2016

Not sure who exemplifies talent and fashion more than Prince.  The theme of this season’s Indie Fashion Week finale was “Purple Reign!”

Its rare that Brent and I get a chance to go to blogging events together, and as much as I wanted it to be a date night, we were all about business…the business of fashion!  I was so excited, because the last Indie Fashion Week I was able to attend 4 events and it was so outstanding, I just knew it would perfection! So we trekked down to Washington DC from Baltimore, and as usual they didn’t disappoint. b8e94321-dd3f-4385-86b3-bbdbae6108e6


So, the venue was perfect for this show.  It was at the Dance Place, and the show was on the stage of a intimate auditorium.


I really loved the continued narrative by an actor playing Prince throughout the show; it definitely added a much appreciated dramatic presence to the fashion show.

Another part of the show I enjoyed was how some of the designers had part of their collection standing in the back of the stage, providing a presentation feel, giving the guests a chance to really appreciate the designer’s craftsmanship.  dsc_0472They stood their while the models walked eventually walking themselves at the end of each collection.  I go to a lot of shows, but this was the first time, I’ve seen this, it was very ingenious!

It was a great blend of designers… here are some of my favorite looks!

Jon Marc was the designer and clearly he knows the importance of designing fashion for all types of women; keeping in mind how imperative it is that a woman feels good in her clothes. It is hard to do with swimwear, but he definitely pulled it off!da72da80-3d3f-43a6-891f-24a85d35940b

My husband and I had the pleasure of chatting with the designer of Twelve 16, who makes clothes out of leftover pizza boxes!

As Brent said, “Sustainability at its finest!”

I saw King O during the streetwear presentation last year so I knew he was going to show out!  He truly exhibited his versatility with a streetwear collection and an elegant evening gown collection!

Here’s a brief rundown of the designers!



Great pop-up shops and snacks!



I’d be remissed if I did not mention Keisha Nelson-Harris’ speech before presenting her collection. It was a powerful message for those suffering from domestic violence but it really applies to us all.

Never let anyone tell you who you are or what your worth!

I also have a career in medicine, which very male-dominated, sometimes its hard to find your identity; but its important to believe in yourself and then you really can achieve anything!

Harley Morgan – Executive Producer

This finale was such a beautiful presentation of the talent that the DMV has to offer. Bravo!

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined” -Henry David Thoreau Image.jpg


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