Diversity Truly Nourishes the Fashion Soul – Plitzs New York City Fashion Week Sept 2016

So, I'm just getting in from California listening to my usual fashion podcasts, getting their take on New York Fashion Week. And there was not a lot of positivity. I know people rarely love change, but the "see now, buy now" and change in venues seems to have overshadowed what makes fashion great.  Well, I'm here... Continue Reading →

Baltimore’s Takeover of NYFW – Sept 2016

Ever since I found out Baltimore Fashion Umbrella was going to have a Designer's Debut in New York City, I knew I had to be there.  I've attended Baltimore Fashion Week for the last few years so I knew Fashion Umbrella Foundation had so much to offer New York.  I was curious to see if... Continue Reading →

Untapped…Indie Fashion Week DC

So, what happens when you attend a DC Indie Fashion week for the first time? Well, since I didn't know what to expect, I basically kept wearing the wrong outfit, lol.  This was my first time almost attending a full week of any fashion week.  It was a sort of separate cohesiveness that effectively maintained the overall message of Indie Fashion... Continue Reading →

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